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Mission, Story & Values

Missoula Aging Services provides a wide range of programs and services for older adults and those who care for them. Resource Center and Call Center staff help community members connect with the help they need. Family Caregiver Support, Meals on Wheels, Money Management, and Veteran Directed Care empower older adults to continue living independently in their own homes.

Missoula Aging Services supports older adults to make our community a better place to live through volunteering their time and talents, and we appreciate the many dedicated volunteers who work alongside our staff to advance the MAS mission.


Missoula Aging Services promotes the independence, dignity and health of older adults, and those who care for them.


Missoula Aging Services is the voice of older adults. We provide programs and services in our communities, empowering people to age with confidence and without fear.


To make our mission and vision a reality, we practice the following:

  • In working with each other and the community, we follow our Guiding Principles and core values which are Integrity, Communication, Accountability, Respect and Safety.

To support our mission:

  • We are person-centered in working with our clients.
  • We respect a person’s autonomy within their capacity to remain independent.
  • We believe that diversified funding creates a healthy and sustainable organization.
  • We recognize the value of services we provide to aging adults, to veterans and to people with disabilities.
  • We determine what and when services should be fee for service based on established criteria.
  • We listen first. We believe that hearing from the people guides our direction.
  • We are nonpartisan.
  • We are respectful in our communication and our behaviors – individually and collectively.
  • We recognize that lack of awareness can prevent older adults from getting the help they need.
  • We believe that collaborative strategies can result in effective and efficient efforts and partnerships.
  • We believe that volunteering provides a positive experience for the volunteers and those we serve.
  • We honor and value our volunteers, respect their wisdom, experience and engagement.
  • MAS volunteers and clients are excited, enriched and valued through community service opportunities.



Missoula Aging Services is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose Mission is to promote the independence, dignity, and health of older adults and those who care for them.

The organization serves as the designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for Missoula and Ravalli Counties. In 1973, Congress expanded the Older Americans Act to increase local support for older adults through AAA organizations. Missoula Aging Services is part of a network of nine AAA organizations that help older adults throughout Montana.

Since 2006, Missoula Aging Services has also served as an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) for Missoula and Ravalli Counties. As an ADRC, the organization is able to provide in-depth assistance for people in need of long-term care.

Missoula Aging Services (MAS) was established in 1982 by the Missoula County Commissioners with a modest budget of $279,000 and a staff of five. The organization began providing a small community lunch program called Meals on Wheels and the RSVP and Foster Grandparent volunteer programs.

For over 40 years, Missoula Aging Services has empowered thousands of older adults, their families and caregivers through programs, services, volunteer opportunities and education to continue to live independently at home, for as long as possible.