photo credit: Mountain Line
If you need to get somewhere in Missoula and Ravalli Counties but aren’t able to drive, there are local transportation services that can help.
Missoula Aging Services works to promote the importance of affordable alternative transportation options for Missoula and Ravalli County residents, and can help you find transportation to fit your needs.
See below for no-cost and fee-for-service transportation options for older adults and people with disabilities, in Missoula and Ravalli Counties.
For more information or help call us at (406) 728-7682.
Confident Rider Program
MAS volunteers are ready to teach older adults and those with disabilities who would like to learn to use Missoula’s free public transportation.
Volunteers teach new riders:
- How to ride the bus, Paratransit or Shuttle Van
- How to navigate the Mountain Line website
- How to use transit schedules
Call MAS to find out more!
Mountain Line Buses
Mountain Line provides no cost transportation options in the Missoula area, including fixed routes, ADA Paratransit and Shuttle Van services.
Zero Fare Service Mountain Line Buses
Missoula Aging Services is a partner with Mountain Line bus service to help provide rides at no cost to all Missoula residents. All of Mountain Line’s fixed route services have buses with lifts or ramps to assist passengers who may be unable to climb stairs.
Phone: (406) 721-3333
Click here to view current schedules and routes.
ADA Paratransit and Shuttle Van
The ADA Paratransit provides curb-to-curb service for people with disabilities that prevent them from using Mountain Line’s fixed-route bus service.
The Shuttle Van is a complementary curb-to-curb service that provides transportation for people 60 and older who do not qualify for ADA ParatranSave & Closesit Service.
Call for more information: (406) 721-2848
Click here for a map of where ADA Paratransit and Shuttle Van services are available.
Click here for additional information about ADA paratransit and Shuttle Van services.