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Since 1982, Missoula Aging Services has been advocating on behalf of older adults and those who care for them.

Urgent Action Needed

Although the current administration rescinded the federal funding freeze order, the future remains uncertain as the courts continue to assess the legality of freezing funds. Additionally, White House statements following the rescission indicate that the review of programs will proceed as originally planned, meaning potential cuts or changes that could negatively impact our services are still on the table.

Despite this uncertainty, Missoula Aging Services is committed to providing uninterrupted support to our clients. However, many of our clients are deeply concerned. Some have called in distress, fearing that services like Meals on Wheels would be taken away.

Contacting our elected officials remains critical to ensuring that funding for the Older Americans Act and other federal grants supporting Area Agencies on Aging—including MAS—remains intact. These funds are vital to our ability to deliver essential services to older Montanans and their family caregivers.

Americans who rely on Medicaid for health care and long-term care could face reduced access to critical services under both House and Senate budget proposals. Medicaid is a lifeline for over seven million older adults, who rely on the support for activities of daily living that allows them to remain living at home. The proposed cuts put older adults and people with disabilities at risk.

We’re asking people to call and email their Senators and Representatives TODAY. Specifically, we’re asking our constituents to reach out to Senators Daines and Sheehy and Congressman Zinke to voice support for continued funding, letting them know how important these programs are and that the mere threat of a funding freeze has already caused significant stress for our most vulnerable elders.

Contact your elected representatives:

Click the links below to contact your elected representatives about proposed legislation and issues.