May 18, 2020
Easy, Affordable Ways to Make Masks
by Cassidy Belus
Note: This article was posted 5/18/20. As the COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing situation, information may change as time goes on.
As Montana continues re-opening to the public, it’s important to maintain social distancing, good hand washing techniques and respiratory etiquette to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, if you’re going out in public, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends wearing a cloth face mask or face-covering. This is especially recommended for going to the grocery store.
While masks are tricky to purchase these days, there are a number of ways to make your own. First, it’s important to know the basics on what masks do and do not prevent, as well as the characteristics of a safe mask.
Cloth face coverings prevent the person wearing the mask from spreading respiratory droplets when talking, sneezing or coughing.” “Face coverings worn by others protect you from getting the virus from people carrying the virus.
According to the CDC site, a face mask should:
fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
be secured with ties or ear loops
include multiple layers of fabric
- allow for breathing without restriction
- be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape
Below are two tutorials on how to make simple, no-sew masks. For more mask tutorials, you can visit the CDC’s website.
How to make a mask from a t-shirt

How to make a mask from a bandana