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Telephone Town Hall on Estate Planning

Thursday, November 17, 2022
10:00 am11:00 am
Portrait of Dr. Marsha Goetting

Montana’s own Dr. Marsha Goetting will be presenting two Telephone Town Halls in November and December. These events are brought to you by AARP Montana. Marsha is known as one of Montana’s leading authorities in estate planning as well as a lively, entertaining speaker. There will be time for you to ask your questions to Marsha on Estate planning. Register for the events and you will receive a call inviting you to join.

November 17: Avoiding the Cost of Probate in Montana
The Montana Legislature has provided us with tools that can be used to avoid probate and save more dollars for our heirs. Dr. Marsha Goetting, MSU Professor and Extension Specialist in Family Economics will share information in the Teletown Hall about PODs, TODs, Transfer on Death Deeds and how to pass a vehicle without probate using the 2021 tool from the legislature.