The Meals on Wheels program is designed to help homebound adults to continue living independently by providing home-delivered meals and regular safety checks, delivering food and care to our most isolated neighbors. Missoula Aging Services (MAS) is happy to partner with the Seeley Lake Senior Center to make sure that older adults and people with disabilities in Seeley Lake and Condon have access to local Meals on Wheels services.
Rising costs and inflation have increased the number of community members facing food insecurity, and the Meals on Wheels program now serves more people than before the pandemic. This expanded level of service in rural Missoula County communities is possible thanks to generous giving and volunteer service. Last year, in Seeley Lake, approximately 3,000 meals were delivered to more than 27 homebound older adults and people with disabilities.
Kristin Mason, Resource Specialist for the MAS Seeley Lake office shared, “As someone who both lives and works in Seeley Lake, I have seen firsthand, the difference Meals on Wheels can make for people and their ability to remain in their homes. I am thankful this vital service is available for people living in Seeley Lake. Small towns like ours are fortunate to have resources like Meals on Wheels, and I’m eager to help connect people with services so they can live safely and independently for as long as possible.”
“I don’t know how to thank Meals on Wheels enough. We’re on a fixed income and I don’t know how we would be able to buy groceries or get by without it!” - Seeley Lake Meals on Wheels recipient
If you or someone you know is interested in receiving Meals on Wheels, being a volunteer driver, or would like to learn about additional opportunities available in the Seeley Lake community, please call (406)728-7682. We welcome gifts in any size to support Meals on Wheels deliveries in Seeley Lake.