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The Missoula Aging Services blog is your place to learn about important topics in aging, stay up to date about what’s happening in your community and find out how you can get involved!

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Contact your representatives to voice support for continued funding. Help protect the most vulnerable Montanans.

We are thrilled to share that Missoula Aging Services has been selected as the recipient of the 2025 JSEC Employer of Choice Award.

What would the Missoula Community look like in 20 years if older adults were able to age with confidence and without fear?

A person's sense of thirst decreases with age, and frailty can make it difficult to get up to get a drink as often as an older person should.

MAS Volunteer Iva Rose MacKenzie was honored with the ServeMontana Lifetime Achievement Award at the State Capitol last week. Read more about her lifetime of volunteer service here.

Fraud costs Medicare an estimated $60 billion per year. It costs Medicare beneficiaries time, stress, the security of their medical information, and potentially their health. Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones during Medicare Fraud Prevention Week, held June 5-11, 2023.

This summer, a new garden will serve as a spot for drop-in gardening, socializing, and nature-based activities for those
living with memory loss and caregivers alike. MAS Volunteers made a vision become a reality.

Missoula Aging Services received information about an active scam targeting older adults in Montana. In the report, several individuals received multiple calls last week from “Medicare.” If somebody calls you to tell you that, it's another Medicare scam.

Spring is finally here! Missoula Aging Services has a new program that helps older adults and adults with disabilities with seasonal outside chores. More volunteers are needed.

Thanks to the generosity of our community, Missoula Aging Services raised over $130,000 during the month of March for Meals on Wheels.

The first adjective that pops to mind when the name Michael Peters is mentioned is “dependable.” But there’s so much more to Meals on Wheels Dispatch Volunteer Mike than this.

Mary Rose Moyer is a delightful, witty woman. We visited her at home just three days before she celebrated her 99th birthday to talk about Meals on Wheels.

Missoula Aging Services and the Seeley Lake Senior Center partner so that older adults and people living with disabilities in Seeley Lake and Condon have access to Meals on Wheels.

Navigating Medicare and Medicaid can be confusing, but at Missoula Aging Services, experienced and unbiased Resource Center staff are available to help people compare plans and save money on prescriptions.

Missoula Aging Services is looking to identify community transportation needs so that we can work towards providing or improving services.

The holiday giving season has arrived, and Missoula Aging Services (MAS) is asking for community support to help older adults and caregivers in Missoula County.

As Missoula Aging Services (MAS) celebrates its 40th anniversary, we are grateful for everyone who played a part in the first four decades at MAS and thank everyone who continues to support the work and mission of the Agency.

November is National Family Caregiver Month, an important time each year to recognize family caregivers and celebrate their efforts. It is also a time to raise awareness about family caregiving issues and provide education for family caregivers.

The Lifelong Connections program connects older adults in Missoula County with tablets and training. 25 additional tablets will be distributed to community members, who will be paired with volunteer trainers. Find out more in this special feature.

Has Missoula Aging Services made a difference for you or a loved one? Sharing your story can help others connect with services they need, volunteer to help, or even choose to make a gift.

Falls and fall-induced injuries are not a normal part of aging. The good news is that many falls are preventable. There are simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of injury due to a fall.

Missoula Aging Services is holding listening sessions in Missoula County throughout the summer in an effort to better understand and meet your needs. Find out where a listening session is happening in your neighborhood!

Missoula Aging Services announced today that it will be hosting weekly Medication Review appointments in partnership with the University of Montana Skaggs School of Pharmacy this summer.

Montana's Department of Public Health and Human Services is partnering with Missoula Aging Services and aging organizations across the state to conduct a survey of older adults to learn how to best meet their needs. Find out more and complete the survey here.

Why are Residents’ Rights so important? People living in long-term care retain their civil rights, and residents are granted additional rights called Residents’ Rights which are protected by law. Ombudsmen advocate for those rights and empower residents.

Missoula Aging Services is once again taking part in Missoula Gives, the local giving day organized by the Missoula Community Foundation, in support of local nonprofits. We invite you join us in this celebration of community generosity!

In her role as Senior Companion, Iola helps older adults remain in their homes by providing companionship and assistance with daily living tasks. Read about a special surprise Iola received to help her continue the volunteer work that she loves.

On March 10th, the Missoula County Commissioners voted to place a levy on the June 7th ballot for Missoula Aging Services. For 15 years, funding has remained flat and not kept pace with the growing need for services like Meals on Wheels in the community.

While Meals on Wheels has had to adjust some things in the interest of safety, the dedication of the drivers hasn’t changed.

As we welcome 2022 at Missoula Aging Services, we’d like to share the impact of generous donations that came from the Missoula community and the difference they made during the 2021 holidays.

We'd like to share a story with you of how Missoula Aging Services helped a family fulfill their promise. When you make a gift, every dollar helps local residents like Les and his family get the support they need to navigate life's changes.

Open Enrollment Consultations are available at Missoula Aging Services. These unbiased consultations help you compare plans and save money on prescriptions. Plans change from year to year, and checking your plan is the only way to be sure you have the Medicare plan that covers the medications and providers you need.

October is Residents' Rights Month. Residents of assisted living and long-term care facilities have important rights that are guaranteed by law. Ombudsmen will work diligently on your behalf to help you understand your rights and can empower you to feel safe speaking up if something is wrong.

Fall is the perfect time to weatherize your home! Now that the days are a little cooler, we'd like to share information on two programs available to help reduce heating costs.

Because of her incredible passion and commitment to older adults, people with disabilities and their caregivers, Susan served for 33 years as the CEO of Missoula Aging Services. The Governing Board has initiated a search for a new CEO, and Susan will continue to serve as the CEO until a successor has been named.

Foster Grandparents are placed with local schools and assist teachers by providing extra support to students. They help children learn to read, provide one-on-one tutoring and guide children at a critical time in their lives.

The RSVP program partners with Missoula County agencies and nonprofits to provide a diverse array of volunteer opportunities older volunteers can choose from. Today we thank an amazing local volunteer, whose personal experiences shape his community service with Missoula Aging Services.

Senior Companions are Missoula Aging Services volunteers who make regular visits to older adults in the Missoula area, help with daily living tasks, and generally promote an increased quality of life. Today we shine a spotlight on one amazing local volunteer.

National Volunteer Recognition Week is from April 18-24, and Missoula Aging Services is joining with other organizations across the country to celebrate the importance of volunteers in making our communities more compassionate and more resilient in the face of adversity.

Who would you want to speak for you if you couldn’t speak for yourself? National Healthcare Decisions Day exists each year to inspire, educate and empower the public and providers about the importance of advance care planning.

Despite the hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic, Meals on Wheels has continued to make deliveries to your older neighbors and friends. This work has only been possible—especially during the worst of times—thanks to the dedication and sacrifice of approximately 70 Meals on Wheels volunteer drivers, and to all the members of our community who financially support Missoula Aging Services each year. Your support is vital, now more than ever.

Programs like Meals on Wheels help fill these gaps and bring security to people in a wide set of circumstances, including older adults and those with disabilities. During March for Meals, Missoula Aging Services raises both funds and awareness to support home meal delivery to our homebound neighbors, whether they reside in Missoula, Lolo, Seeley Lake, or anywhere in between.

While most Meals on Wheels (MOW) volunteer drivers hop into their car and complete their routes solo, Richard and Elisabeth keep each other company during their weekly shifts. Married for 56 years, the couple started delivering meals together in October 2019. They were moved to volunteer at MOW and at the hospital after Richard experienced a significant health issue. Giving back became part of his healing process.

Meals on Wheels empowers homebound adults in Missoula County to continue living independently by providing home-delivered meals and regular safety checks. Support Meals on Wheels to combat hunger and isolation in Missoula County.

For over 50 years Senior Corps volunteers have brought out the best of America although we have a new name, our legacy will continue. The Corporation for National and Community Service is proud to announce the rebranding and merging of AmeriCorps and Senior Corps. Senior Corps is now known as AmeriCorps Seniors.

The 67th Montana Legislative Session is underway in Helena and though the Session looks a little bit different this year because of the coronavirus pandemic, there are plenty of ways to advocate for your older neighbors.

Lifelong Connections aims to train 100 older adults in Missoula County on how to use technology in order to access telehealth, reduce social isolation, continue to volunteer, and to be able to take advantage of the services available online. The program trains volunteers while also providing tablets and data to older adults who may not have access to technology.

With a heavy heart, Missoula Aging Services acknowledges the passing of our governing board chair and friend Larry Riley.

Your guidance, empathy and humor will be missed, your generosity never forgotten.

We count MAS volunteers as one of the many things to be thankful for this year. On that note, we’d like to highlight one of our outstanding volunteers as she receives a prestigious award honoring her service.

There are a few simple steps you can take to reduce your chances of becoming ill with COVID-19.  Since the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus, we first need to understand how it spreads.

You might have noticed that something is a little different around here. On June 1, we launched our brand new website! We’re excited for you to look around. To make it easier, we’ve created a guide below which highlights new features as well as the goals of the project.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends wearing a face covering in public when social distancing can’t be maintained. This is especially recommended for going to the grocery store.

While masks are tricky to purchase these days, there are a number of ways to make your own.

I once heard that if you truly want to see the character of a person, don’t look at how they act when things are easy, but instead look at how they act when things are hard. If that sentiment extends to communities, then I think we have a pretty clear picture of Missoula.

By 1963 only nine-percent of Americans had reached their 65th birthday. Many were living in poverty with few services to support them. For nearly six decades, May has been a time to celebrate the contributions of older adults both past and present. The theme this year, Make Your Mark, goes to the core of what this month is all about.